6/22/20 - 6/28/20

Weekly Overview:


Tempo Cossack Squats + Leg Extension + Russian Swings + Run + Carry

Monday begins with muscle and tendon strengthening. We will be focused on the lower body for this portion with tempo cossack squats. Add a weight in the front rack for the Cossack squats! Focus on perfect positions on both of the movements and moving with a purpose don’t just go through the motions.

Part B will be a semi recovery type workout but will also cause you to breathe a little heavy. You will start off with shoulder to overhead and then move into some carries that you should again be performing with a purpose. For the overhead carries keep your arm locked out as best as possible and focus on not shrugging your traps up to your ears, keep them pulled down! On the suitcase carries don’t lean! For most of you the weight is very manageable so this is a perfect time to work on carrying it properly.


High Pulls + DB Rows + SDLHP + Burpees + V - Ups + Thrusters

Today will start like yesterday, with some strength. The first movement you will be performing will be a dumbbell high pull with a slow negative. If the weight you are using is a little heavy you can use your legs to help get the weight up just make sure as you lower it it is slow and under control. Immediately following the high pulls you will move into bent over dumbbell rows. Same idea for these rows as the high pulls, lower the weight slowly, shoot for around 3 seconds. Also try not to throw your body down as you are rowing the dumbbell up, keep these under control the whole way.

Part B is 4 sets long and will allow you to get some rest after each set. You will have a 5 minute window to perform 30 single arm sumo deadlift high pulls (15 on each side, and the weight does not need to touch the ground), follow by 10 burpees over your dumbbell, then 15 v - ups, before finishing the set off with 20 thrusters. The faster you go on this the more rest you will get! Try to hang onto the thruster for all 20 reps I don’t think that will be a problem for anyone


Double Unders + Hang Squat Cleans

This will be a fun two part workout with the same movements in a couplet. The first part of the workout is an AMRAP going back and forth between the movements until time expires, however many rounds and reps you get will be your score for this portion. You will then take a break before performing those same two movements but this time you will have a certain amount of reps you need to hit for time, but the catch is you may partition the reps anyway you want! Make sure to give a hard effort on the first AMRAP and maybe your strategy will allow for you to still put up a good sore on the second portion!


Capacity WODs all day. You will have 3 capacity WODs today all focusing on something different. One will be for your push ups, one for your squats, and finally one for the core (which you have done before). These are a great way to build capacity in certain areas while not crushing your bodies for tomorrow. Just because these are meant to be refreshing doesn’t mean they will be easy! Go hard on the max effort rounds and don’t stop moving on the recovery rounds!


Your RED Friday workout this week is “Tumilson.” This workout was originally written to be done with two dumbbells but as we know most people do not have two so if that’s the case we will improvise and do it with a single DB! All that means is run faster

Alex Cecala