Week of 3/9/20 - 3/15/20


Monday will begin with a snatching EMOM building up to a heavy single. After that we will be testing our 500 meter row - go hard on this. Tuesday starts with front squatting building to something heavy for the day. This does not mean to try to hit a new one rep max but build to the heaviest weight you can while still maintaining great technique. Part B is a fast 8 minute AMRAP with power cleans, burpees, and double unders. Wednesday will be a long challenging EMOM followed by a capacity WOD ab circuit. Thursday workout is a longer AMRAP with rowing, muscle ups or pull ups, and a heavy kettlebell hold. RED Friday’s workout is “Chris Kyle.”

Snatch + Row

Monday starts with a snatch EMOM working up to 2 sets at a heavy weight. Ideally somewhere around 90%+ of your one rep max. This is not necessarily meant to be a one rep max day but if you are feeling good and moving well feel free to push it a little. On the flip side, if your technique is off and you are feeling slow then back off a bit and keep the weights lower while working on speed and technique.

Part B is a 500 meter row test. Short and sweet! We have done this test before so you should know how it feels. It is also the only work you will have to do today after the snatching so there is no reason not to go as hard as you possibly can. If you do this right you should be falling off the rower after. Don’t hold anything back!

Front Squats + Power Cleans + Burpees + Double Unders

Tuesday starts with front squats building up to a heavy single. But again like yesterday this is not intended to be a one rep max day. Please know that when the programming says “build to heavy for the day” that does not mean you should be attempting one rep maxes every time you see this. A good goal for these days would be to go for somewhere around 90-95% and if you can hit that regularly that is a win. “Heavy” for the day should be thought of as the set before your technique will begin to break down.

Part B is a short 8 minute AMRAP with power cleans bar facing burpees and double unders. The goal here should be to get back to the double unders every round as this is where you will gain the most reps the quickest. 8 minutes goes by quickly. Don’t go out as hard as you can start a little slower and focus on limiting transition times especially when it comes to picking up the jump rope.

Wall Balls + Assault Bike + Box Step Overs

Today we have a long EMOM. The goal should be to try and finish the work in each minute as fast as possible in order to maximize the rest time. Wall balls should all be unbroken (15 of them). Sprint the bike to the best of your ability but the absolute max time you should be on it is 45 seconds. Only six box step overs so these should be no problem at all! Try them laterally if you never have before to see how that feels.

Part B is a Capacity WOD ab circuit you’ll have fun with.

Row + Muscle Ups/Strict Pull Ups/Strict Banded Pull Ups + Heavy KB Hold

This will be a longer AMRAP. You should try to keep a consistent row pace that will not leave you too fatigued to begin your gymnastic pull. Ideally after the row is done you take no more than 30 seconds to begin your muscle ups or pull ups. Immediately when you finish you should walk right over to your kettle bells or dumbbells or farmer handles and pick them up for a 30 second hold. After that you get a 1 minute rest and then will repeat this sequence until the time is up. The forearms and grip will get very taxed here so be sure to keep a loose grip on the row handle and get a big drive through the legs!

RED Friday’s workout is “Chris Kyle”