Week of 7/13/20 - 7/19/20

Weekly Intent:

This week will focus on some strength building utilizing tempos in a couple Part A’s - but single leg strength will be heavily emphasized. You will be doing some type of single leg work for three out of five days this week, but you can never do enough single leg work! Monday will begin with some tempo squatting followed by max effort single leg split squats doing your best not to stop moving. You will follow that up with a bit of a faster paced workout that you should try to sprint through to maximize rest. Tuesday will be a bit of a forearm burner involving three AMRAPs with increasing time domains and reps. Wednesday we will be back to some strength building in part A with tempo push ups followed by max effort floor press and push ups again. Part B will be two workouts, each for time, the first being one round the seconds being different movements but for three rounds. Thursday will be a longer grinding workout that will not be for time but for quality. RED Friday’s workout is “Captain Tom.”

Weekly Highlight:

Your weekly challenge this week is your RED Friday workout “Captain Tom.” A challenging but doable workout will leave you fatigued through 10 rounds of lunges, devil’s press, squats, and double unders, just to be hit with 100 burpees to finish this monster of a workout off.

Weekly Overview:


Tempo Goblet Squats + Split Squats + Jumping Lunges + Air Squats + Double Unders + Hang Snatches

Monday begins with some lower body strength building with tempo goblet squats and then max effort split squats. The goal is to move slowly at the tempo for the goblet squats and then moving quickly on the split squats getting as many as you can in 30 seconds. You should try to move for the entire 30 seconds on each leg without stopping no matter how bad they might burn!

Part B is three sets that should be a hard effort for all of them. You will have six minutes to finish each set but your goal should be to finish as fast as possible to get as much rest as you can. Keeping these intervals under 4 minutes would be a good goal to set. If you can't do double unders you can modify to 75 jumps over your dumbbell.


Deadlift + Power Clean + Shuttle Run

Tuesday starts with a 4 Minute AMRAP, 6 Minute AMRAP, and 8 MInute AMRAP with a short rest between each of them. The caveat with this one is with each increasing AMRAP time frame the reps will also increase. So can you score the same rounds and reps in each AMRAP even with the increase in reps? Be sure to keep a light grip on the dumbbell on this one and use your legs as much as possible!


Tempo Push Ups + Floor Press + Push Ups + Burpees + OH Lunges + Pike Press + OH Squat

Wednesday will be back to some tempo and strength work. Tempo push ups to start then moving right into 30 seconds of max rep floor press on each arm then finishing the set with max reps of push up. The pump here should definitely be real! Break as needed on the max effort push up set but do your best to not break the tempo push ups or the floor press if possible.

Part B should be two faster workouts. The first part you will blast through burpees and overhead walking lunges trying to finish as fast as possible in order to maximize the rest you will get. Once you finish you will rest until the 10:00 minute mark and then begin your next workout which is 3 rounds for time of pike presses and single arm overhead squats. If you cannot perform these overhead squats you may place the dumbbell anywhere you want to and do the squats. Challenge yourself here, go to failure if you have to!


Carries + Run + Core

Sticking to the Thursday theme of longer grinding workouts that shouldn’t be done for time. You should use these days to embrace a longer grind where you do not need to worry about trying to smash yourself going as hard as you can. You will still get a good workout in but try to focus on perfect movement and technique rather than the normal “as fast as possible” mentality.

RED Friday

“Captain Tom”

Alex Cecala