Week of 7/6/20 - 7/12/20

Weekly Intent:

Coming off a long holiday weekend what better than to start the week with a bang on Monday? Tuesday will again be all about the upper body pump focusing mainly on the triceps followed by another upper body conditioning piece that will leave your shoulders, chest, and core pumped. Wednesday’s workout will just be a longer chipper but challenge yourself one this! Thursday’s workout will be done for quality so focus on movement rather than trying to go as fast as you can. RED Friday will be “Tara”.

Weekly Overview:


Run + Squats + Snatches + Pullovers + Taps (HSW)

Monday will be similar to last Monday, a longer workout followed by a good amount of rest. It will start with a 400 meter run that you do not need to run as fast as possible, rather find a pace that allows you to push and pick up the dumbbell shortly after its over. Try to hang onto the dumbbell for those goblet squats! Do your best to breathe on the snatches (a good place to take a second to regroup is when the dumbbell is locked out over your head). Once you get to the plank shoulder taps try not to rotate too much side to side, technique is more important if you cannot do them well, scale the number of them back and do them with perfect form!


Tricep Extensions + Floor Press + Push Press + S2OH + Push Ups + V-Ups

Part A is East to be an upper body pump day. We have been spending a good amount of time working on upper body accessory work and this week is no different. Today you should really be feeling this in the triceps. It’s important to work on building the triceps up as much as possible because this will help aid in heavier overhead pressing.

Part B will follow the upper body theme with more pressing and some core work. If you were in class last Tuesday these movements should look very familiar but this time you will go for a set number of reps and try to finish as quickly as possible. Try to challenge yourself on this and push a little bit more than might feel comfortable.


Double Unders + Lunges + Hang Squat Cleans + Burpees

This will be a fun little chipper with some higher reps. The workout starts with 100 double unders or hops over your dumbbell. Following that you will move into front rack walking lunges or pistols squats then 50 alternating hang squats cleans, then the workout starts with 50 burpees over your dumbbell - DON’T GET MENTALY WEAK HERE! Finally you will finish with 100 double unders try your best just to keep hanging on and finish!


Curls + Gorilla Walk + Suitcase Carry

The focus of this workout should be technique. Do not get in a hurry this is a longer workout and it is meant to be! So do not rush and enjoy the slow grind of these movements. Especially on the suitcase carry, do not try to move super fast but instead focus on keeping your hips and shoulders squared off without leaning too far one way or the other. For the curls if the weight you are using is too heavy use both arms and double the amount of reps.



Weekly Highlight:

This week's highlight workout is Wednesday. This will not only be a test of physical fitness but it will also test your mental toughness. When you get to those burpees are you going to just give up or can you turn the voice in your head off and keep pushing. It won't be easy your legs will be heavy and you will be breathing heavy but just keep chipping away and you will make it to the end

Alex Cecala