Week of 7/27/20 - 8/2/20

Weekly Intent:

This week will be nicely balanced with a good mix of upper and lower body, strength and conditioning with a bit more of actual “sprinting” than you may have seen. Monday will be four intervals in which you should be working to complete as fast as you can in order to maximize time for hsw or beat crawls. Tuesday will begin with some upper body strength work and be followed up with a conditioning piece that will allow you to keep pushing even while under fatigue. Wednesday will start with single leg strengthening and power output training and will be followed by a for time workout. Thursday is a longer for quality workout that will mainly be targeting your core. RED Friday this week is “T”.

Weekly Highlight:

This week's challenge is Wednesday’s workout. Not only will part A be challenging and push you but part B is going to be a long grinding workout. Your legs will be heavy but you need to find a way to continue pushing the squats to minimize breaks

Weekly Overview:


Jumping Lunges + Thrusters + DB Swings + HSW/Bear Crawl

Today’s workout will just be four sets of jumping lunges, thrusters, swings, and a bear crawl or handstand walk. Seems simple enough, but these intervals should be all out sprints. The goal is to finish everything as fast as possible and then handstand walk or bear crawl as far as you can for the remaining time


Bent Over Rows + High Pulls + Burpees + V-Ups + Push Ups + Sit Ups

Part A will be your upper body strength work for this week. You will begin with bent over rows at a tempo and follow them up with max effort high pulls. Ideally you will perform the high pulls for the entire 30 seconds without having to put the weight down at all!

Part B will be a fun workout that will leave your abs and upper body fatigued. You should try your best not to get lazy on the sit ups! This is an easy way to fall behind in workouts. Taking it a little bit slower to catch your breath as needed is one thing but you can’t let that happen for every rep of every set!


Cossack Squats + Broad Jumps + Sprint + Shuttle Run + Jumping Air Squats

Part A will be single leg strength as well as a bit of mobility and tendon health work and will be coupled with power output work with broad jumps and sprinting. Don’t hold back on the jumps you should be trying to jump as far as you possibly can every single rep. The sprint should be a hard effort, maybe not 100% hard but hard!

Part B is just one movement for time but it comes with a caveat, every break will result in a lap. Just remember you will never fail an air squat so do your best to keep pushing them!


Seal Walks + Run + Carries

This will be another longer “for quality” workout. That does not mean this one will be easy, all this means is that I want you to shift your focus from going as hard as possible to making sure you are moving with perfect technique. This will not only help you recover a little bit from the previous day's work but will also help you build strength in different places that may not always get targeted in the more conventional style of workouts we do.

RED Friday


Alex Cecala