Week of 7/20/20 - 7/26/20

Weekly Intent:

Starting off Monday with another bang! This will be a longer workout that will require the right amount of pacing and pushing, so know yourself but also trust your fitness!

Tuesday will start with upper body strengthening and be followed with a bit of a longer AMRAP. Wednesday will be a Capacity WOD day, working on snatch and core capacity. Thursday’s main focus will be on the single leg. Starting with a tempo split squat followed by jumping lunges. RED Friday is “Natalie Corona.”

Weekly Highlight:

This week's highlight is Thursday. This is the highlight this week mainly because i just think this will be a fun but mentally challenging workout. You need to really stay focused here and not give up, which will be easy to do. The shuttle runs will seem daunting but give your best to continue pushing before you know it you will get to the end.

Weekly Overview:


Run + Squat + Plank Row + Push Up + Burpees + Taps/Bear Crawl/HSW

This is going to be a bit of a longer workout with some higher volume, it's supposed to be. You need to learn how hard you can push/when you can in order to become as efficient as possible. Know where you can catch your breath a little bit and where you need to take breaks. This is important because as you become more efficient the more work you will be able to complete and the more fit you can get, science!


Tricep Extension + Floor Press + SKull Crushers + Hang Clean and Jerks + V-Ups + Deadlifts

Part A is gonna start with a high volume upper body strength builder targeting mainly the triceps. The goal should be to complete the whole complex unbroken if possible, although that will not be easy!

Part B is a slightly longer AMRAP with dumbbell hang clean and jerks (split jerks for Rx+) if you are not experienced with split jerks do not both toying with this idea stick the the regular hang clean and press, but if you are experienced and want a little extra challenge the split jerk will be a fun variation to try! All 20 reps are to be completed on one arm before switching to the other for deadlifts. See how long you can hang onto the dumbbell for you might surprise yourself!


Snatch + Side Plank Capacity WODs

Today will be a bit of a “break” but that doesn’t mean you won’t get solid work in! If you put the effort into these they will absolutely help increase your fitness level. In order to put the work in you need to go as hard as you possibly can for the max effort portions and then just do not stop moving for the slow continuous movement portion. You can literally move as slow as you want but just do not stop.


Split Squats + Jumping Lunges + Shuttle Runs + Walking Lunges (Pistols)

Part A will start with a challenging single leg strengthening piece. The first movement will be slow weighted split squats - slow so controlled on the way down and the way up but no pause at the top or bottom, essentially constant movement. It will then be followed by jumping lunges, a faster more explosive movement trying to accumulate as many reps as possible in 60 seconds...can you go for the full 60 without stopping?!

Part B may be a couplet with shuttle runs and walking lunges (or pistol squats). I want you to try to push the runs as best as possible. I know your legs will be tired and they will be hard but do your best to just keep moving! The lunge walks will be in 25 foot increments and you must clean the 25 line in your lunge before you stand up and turn around to begin your next segment!


RED Friday is “Natalie Corona”

Alex Cecala