Week of 8/24/20 - 8/30/20

Weekly Intent:

This week will be pretty well balanced in terms of upper and lower body focus and workout intensity and durations. Monday will begin with a bit of a longer workout that will get you breathing heavy but will also allow you some time to get your breath back during your rest. Tuesday is an upper body pump day with a focus on the triceps that will be followed up with a long grinder workout that has the dumbbell split jerks you practiced last week. Wednesday we shift gears and focus on the single leg lower body to start and then move into a fast conditioning piece that I want you to push the pace on. Thursday will be six sets of a short AMRAP that you will need to do your best on to move fast in order to accumulate reps. RED Friday’s workout is “Iron Ranger.”

Weekly Overview:


Double Unders + Devil’s Press + Goblet Squats + Run

This is a longer workout that you should be focusing on breathing and moving smoothly. You shouldn’t be going “slow” because the idea is still to get as much rest as possible. You may find you have plenty of time to finish when you get to the run but that time can start to slip away fast! Make sure you don’t let yourself lose there!


Upper Body Pump + Bear Crawl + Pike Press + Split Jerk + Carries

Part A is going to start out with an upper body pump that will leave your triceps feeling the burn! Focus on full range of motion on all movements and performing these perfectly in order to get the most benefit. Don’t just cheat through these reps!

Part B is going to be a longer grinding workout that I want you to embrace. Don’t let yourself get in such a hurry. A lot of the movements in this portion take longer as it is so focus on good quality movement and have some fun with this one. When you get to the split jerks remember you should be pressing with the opposite arm than your lead leg and for many of you this may be interesting because you always only use one leg to split forward so stay focused!


Lunge + Death March + Jumping Squats + Jumping Lunge + Box Run

Part A will start with a single leg couplet I like to use back to back with lunge walks and death marches. Typically you would do this with two dumbbells but since you don’t have that option you will just do it with a single dumbbell. The goal should be to go immediately from the lunges into the death marches without taking any breaks at all.

Part B today should be fast! Your legs are going to be burning with the jumping squats and lunges but try not to let that affect the box runs too much! I know they won’t be a 100% effort sprint but you need to give it the best you have, this is a short workout it will be over before you know it if you just push!


Snatches + V-Ups + Burpees over Dumbbell + Core

This workout will be six sets of short AMRAPs with a short rest as well, just enough to get your breath back to start again. Your goal should be to go unbroken on the snatches every time and do what you need to to get through the v-ups. You should modify the v-ups to allow you AT LEAST 30 seconds for the max rep burpees. Once you get to those burpees do not hold back, you will never fail one!


RED Friday this week will be “Iron Ranger”

Alex Cecala