Week of 8/31/20 - 9/6/20

Weekly Intent:

This week the main focus will be on strength while also getting a good dose of conditioning in. Monday will be a tougher interval piece, as they have been for the past few weeks. Tuesday will be an upper body strength day with a little mix of lower body in part B. Wednesday will be a longer timepiece that will challenge your pacing and pushing ability. Thursday is back to upper body strengthening. RED Friday will be

Weekly Overview:


Run + Air Squats + Dumbbell Snatches

This will be similar to some of the styles of workouts you guys have been seeing on Mondays. You will have a time domain to finish a certain amount of work and when you do that you will then have to complete as many snatches as possible. The goal should be to remain consistent and shoot for around a minute of dumbbell snatches. In order to do this you will be forced to push the run a little bit! The air squats may end up feeling hard but you will never fail one so just keep doing your best to push through those! One you get to the snatches see how long you can hang onto the dumbbell for, but be sure your technique still remains solid and you continue to use your legs and not just your lower back to get the weight up.


Strict Press + Push Press + Push Ups + Overhead Walking Lunge + Split Jerks

Part A will begin with some shoulder and chest strengthening by beginning with strict presses which will then be immediately followed with push presses which will then be followed by a max rep push up set within a time frame. Try to keep a good tempo on the strict presses and do not use the legs at all to help initiate getting the weight up over head.

Part B will be a shorter conditioning piece but with two challenging movements, the overhead walking lunge and split jerks. On the walking lunges you can change your arms as needed but for the split jerks all 25 must be done on one arm and you must split your opposite foot in front from the arm you are pressing with.


Cossack + Seal Walk + Run + Goblet Squat Clean + Burpees + Double Unders

Part A the main focus will be some single length strengthening, muscles and tendons, and core strength. Do not get lazy on the seal walk, keep your hips up and your abs, glutes, and quads engaged throughout the movement.

Part B will test your ability to push and to pace. Knowing when you need to do both is crucial in becoming as efficient as possible. When you know you have to back off a little bit in order to push elsewhere that will help you complete more work in less time which will make you more fit! This will be a good workout to test that. Your goal of course is to finish as fast as possible but how will you move through this in order to finish it as fast as possible


Renegade Rows + Tricep Extensions + Deadlifts + Cleans + Curls + Carry

Today’s workout will be a bit of a longer grinding workout that won’t get your heartrate up as much as it will fatigue your muscles. That’s the point of today, I want to challenge your muscle endurance a little bit more. So don’t feel the need to get in such a hurry, focus on moving well, breathing and bracing properly, and completing the reps to the full range of motion this will end up paying off in the long run rather than just trying to go through the motions to get to the end.


RED Friday .. just bring your running shoes

Alex Cecala