September Member of the Month

We’re happy welcome Dr. Kristin McKitish to the HRA Member of the Month hall of fame!

Kick-ass doctor, super mom to 2 beautiful kiddos and overall amazing human, here’s what Kristin has to say about her experience at the Riv:

1) What is your favorite thing about The Riv?

My favorite part of The Riv is without a doubt the people - coaches, members, canines and kids alike. I want to blame my recently reestablished abs on the perfectly balanced and well-thought-out workouts (thanks coaches) but I’m fairly certain belly laughing through class deserves equal recognition.

2) What differences have you seen in your body, and health since starting at The Riv?

For some reason my husband won’t stop sending me the peach emoji, if that answers the question.

3) Does what you learn in class carry over in any way to your personal life?

Training at HRA has helped me realize that sometimes 50 means 100 and there’s no amount of negotiation that will change it - just woman up and do it.

4) What has been your favorite moment at The Riv and what has it meant to you?

My favorite moments are anytime I use a weight that’s heavier than when I started in February, which is all the time.

If you see her lurking around Hoboken or Sinatra Field before class handing out her newly published medical article please just give her a warm “what’s up doc!?” and a solid high five!

MOMAlex Cecala