Performance Care Segment

Happy Sports Day friends! Enjoy the food and drink, place your bets, and drink a big glass of water before bed as the holiday isn’t big enough to have tomorrow off...yet. Highlights this week are jerks on Monday and some strongman nasal breathing on Thursday. Our PCS this week is all about spinal flexion/extension, and some imbalanced overhead squatting to focus in on how to stay braced through that full range of motion. Have fun and remember, a PCS is an opportunity to move dynamically, under control, at low intensity (<5 breaths/20 sec) to give us an opportunity to actively move through some plans of motion that we’ve been demanding a lot from, or neglecting. These are to be performed for QUALITY, not for rounds and reps. Move with intent and listen to your body. This is an opportunity to add neurological input into your movement patterns, you will get better at the way you move if you take your time.

Treat this as an active recovery, NOT a rest day, that you can use to replace a workout that would be particularly challenging based off of how you feel that week, or something to do at Open Gym.

#HRxA #rivstrong

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